My Daily Blog

You will share your final product produced in week . Organize a day to talk to other students who want to see your blog, or discuss, ask questions about you, Take pictures of this interaction and sharing!

Tópico: My Daily Blog

My Routine

Gabriel Celino Ventura | 05/04/2012

I get up 6:00 in the morning and yawn me to my slipper pad, climb the stairs and brush my teeth.
I choose the clothes for me to go to school.
Once I get I separate my materials and put them inside the backpack and come to school.
Arriving at school I long my friends and then I go to school to get my classes.
After beating the signal to go, I go home for lunch asisto football programs and declare for the job.
Chegadno work I change and get to the end of the afternoon there.
I come home just the powder, take a shower UQE see what is happening on the street. I come to my house and have dinner assito Mecho television and on my computer and vo Domir go back to the routine starts all over again!

minha rotina

larissa silva | 04/04/2012

Essa e a minha rotina do dia:
-eu me levanto as hr:6:00 e vou a escola
-me arrumo e saio de casa
-chego na escola, entro na sala e faço lição
-as hr: 12:20 saiu da escola es vou pra casa
-troco de roupa, almoço
-faço liçao de casa e mexo no computador
-arrumo meu quarto, assisto tv
-tomo banho,as hr: 17:20 saio de casa e vou buscar minha irmã na escola.
-chego em casa faço café
- as hr:20 :30 eu janto e mexo nao pc
-coloco o pijama e vou dormir....


Chuck Noris | 03/04/2012

eu sou o Chuck Noris e a robs de nega

Relatorio da minha Rotina.

Alanna Pereira Alves | 03/04/2012

I study in school EE Padre Anchieta, and I am the 8th grade A!
I get up at 5 h 40 min. I shower, eat breakfast and go to school. The 12am 20 min. leave school and go straight home. Arriving home, lunch and 14hs I play sports in the park "Sunset." Run path for an hour and a half. I come home to 15hs 40min. Getting her bathe, watch television and I will do the exercises of the school. Then I surf the internet, after I have dinner and sleep.
This is the routine of my day.

biographical studies

Renata lima santos | 03/04/2012

My name is Renata.I am of 8° série B.
In the classroom we were doing some of the lessons such the lesson notebook,to pick up unknow words from the text path to perfect.other lessons

Biographical Studies

Giovane Martins | 03/04/2012

My name is Giovane, at 8 am The
The English class has been great this year.
The teacher is translating books for us. We also have the Vocabulary that is when we read a book in English, and words that do not yet know, write in the contract and seek meaning.
What I like most is the School Access, is a room with several computers where we do research.

Biographical Studies

Aline alves dos Santos | 03/04/2012

My name is Aline, I am of the 8th, and study in school EE Padre Anchieta!
Good in english class had several bueno activities:texts in english vocabularios,and we had clases in acess.
very cool interesting for our future.
Received texts book with listen.A book cd to translate the texts that have acess,fron english to class of Lea teacher of english, she is someone i really trust her a lot.

Relatorio da minha rotina.

Stefany Grativol Ponciano | 03/04/2012

My name is Stefany Grativol and came to talk to my routine for you, though I do not like this "routine" 6:20 am I wake up, eat breakfast and getting ready in the morning, going to school, I go out there until 12:20 am and will pro Zilda Gomes (school) children catch the school pirua stay with them until 1:30pm then go to English course, the Wizard get there until about 4: 05 back home and tidy her, I'm on the computer the whole Dinha, 10:00pm I seek my mother at work.

Re: Relatorio da minha rotina.

Rick | 24/02/2020

Hi Stefany


Isabela Paladin | 03/04/2012

This year the English class is very interesting, win books, in the computer class we have produced texts and also work with the book Biographical Studies, the teacher prepared lessons well, and activities and she knows very well teach in the room. I love English class, and I love my English teacher, and I learned very well at the Padre Anchieta. Grade 8A


Stefany Grativol Ponciano | 03/04/2012

today I'm here to make a report to the English school site Padre Anchieta,classroom 8 ºA .
English classes are very good ,we learn a lot . I really like I do English tutoring three years and I know many things ...
in Lea's lesson we are going toaccessit there we learned many things we are learnig we are doing Biographical Studies , vocabulary, ver to be , like the English class has new languages.


Kátia Hipólito | 03/04/2012

My name is Kátia Hipólito, from 8 am A study in school Padre Anchieta.!
Good English classes are necessary today offered in schools.
Today has schools like ours that offers blogs for us with games, fun activities and texts in English, the teacher these days we were allowed access to it has several cool activities and so the class is not boring has several different projects work with vocabulary is easier to learn win books and handouts, it is interesting that the book comes Cd and it's pretty cool.


Alanna Pereira Alves | 03/04/2012

English classes is great.
Already went to room accesses (where is the school computers). Write a text where we could see the difference between the English and Portuguese.
We received more materials such as books, handouts and CD'S.
Aprofessora also commits us enough, and this is very good. Room 8ªA


Alanna Pereira Alves | 03/04/2012

English classes is great.
Already went to room accesses (where is the school computers). Write a text where we could see the difference between the English and Portuguese.
We received more materials such as books, handouts and CD'S.
Aprofessora also commits us enough, and this is very good.

Relatório das minhas Aulas

Vinicius Menezes Silva | 03/04/2012

Hi I am writing this text to talk about what I do and learn in English classes lately I've gone to the computer room access and translate English texts in the book, livro.Criamos texts in English on the computer made ​​some activities in the book and also did some vocabularios.E are doing well also studies the grammar book of these studies are:
Study the biography
Homework: focus on language

Relatório da Minha Rotina

Vinicius Menezes Silva | 03/04/2012

I get up at 6:00 in the morning and go to school.
He left school at 12:20 and lunch come home.
Shooting a nap wose up about 15:30.
Watch tv on pc filding.
I have coffe to 18:20.
I watch tv again beathe eat dinner around 20:30 until 21:00.
I brush my teeth and I'm lyng in my bed room take the sleeps

rotina da minha vida

victor felix de abreu | 03/04/2012

i wake up 05:45 in the morning to get ready .
06:10 i´ve showered and changed me .
06:15 i put my brother to sleep .
06:25 i make caffee and take a cup of black coffee.
06:45 i go to school .
12:20 i left the school and go home .
12:30 i get home and i take a schover.
12:45 i will eat food and watch tv until two o´clock in the afternoon .
14:00 i go to sleep .
18:00 wake to find my cousin at school .
19:00 do the tasks of the school until half past nine.
21:30 i have a snack and watch the news on yahoo and .
22:00 and i´m watching tv, playing video game and computer.
02:45 in the morning i go to sleep.


Alan Oliveira | 03/04/2012

Hi, my name is Alan, I'm 14 years old, living in Diadema-SP, a study in the School Padre Anchieta are already four years, I always enjoyed the English classes, and this year we are in a very cool project, which I'm very gostanto !
We are to create a blog where we will post all the dents in the classroom experience, also in the computer lab, which is called Access.
During class I typed texts in Access and see translations of texts, we are currently tabalhando the "biographical studies" in this case biiografia big names, such as Pele and Martha. Researching this, hold a lot about each one, place of birth, clubs that have already passed, among other very important information ...
The teacher helps us whenever we need, and works a lot at work.
During the classes in the room I do exercises and vocabulary of the text book.

My Routine

Alan Oliveira | 03/04/2012

I wake up 5:40 in the morning.
I shower at about 5:50
Ace seen me 6:20
I turn on pc and I'm on facebook until 6:30
eat breakfast 6:45
I go to school 6:50
I come home ace 12:40
I'm on the PC until 16:30 s
Study ace 17:00
dine 21:00
I'm on the PC until about 1:30
I sleep between 2:30 and 3:00

Relatorio da minha rotina

Thainara Thifane | 03/04/2012

Good morning people, I am here today in English class, in ACCESS, making a report of my routine!
Well my day starts at 5:50 am;
I go to the bathroom, I sometimes change and eat breakfast;
I go to school and the CHGO 6:55 to 12:20;
I have coffee, give medicine to my dog because he has seizures;
The 14:00 hrs lunch and sleep for a while;
When you wake up and fix up my house night food when I need;
Tuesday and Thursday in the week I go to church, I come and have dinner;
Lesson and see if I do;
And it's time to rest, and on other days are repeated all over again!

Well folks this is my routine every day, sometimes is a little different is the rare ... rs
Stay with God, have a great Friday & a good rest of week.
Kisses Bye;

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